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Image includes the text 'In Your Wildest Dreams' and a cartoon astronaut with gold dots scattered across the background.
Blend Logo

Blend Creative SALA Exhibition 2024

We can all imagine a world that we want. Imagine if it was real. What could you do? Who would you be? Open your mind to what is possible, knock down the barriers, explore beyond realities, examine and blur the line between what you can and cannot do. What does your world look like in your wildest dreams?

Celebrate inclusivity and extraordinary talent at our SALA Exhibition featuring designers from Blend Creative. Open from August 6 to 30 at The Joinery.

Join us at the exhibition opening on Tuesday August 6

Please register via Eventbrite

Below are some of the amazing art pieces that will be showcased at the exhibition: 

The remaining art pieces by our talented artists will be released after the exhibition opening on August 6. 

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